Living in a Greek village

Since last week we have had a significant rise in temperature though and it makes me feel a lot happier and excited about summer! But as ive been looking out my window and wanting to do something, many different things have come to my mind. Living here we have so many advantages that we take for granted. We live in a beautiful area with so much life and tranquility and there are things to do that are considered to be a luxury to many people. I have understood what these things are and want to share them with you. 
(Loads of photos ahead):

Pro No1

 When you live in a village, everyone knows everyone. This can also be considered as a disadvantage since we have our own personal FBI aka "greek old ladies" looking and gossiping about everyone passing by. But since we are all close and know each other, we feel free and safe letting our kids and ourselves go about freely and at any time of the day. Kids play alone in the streets, teens stay out until the early hours in the summer and everywhere you go you are surrounded by people you know and can go to if you need help or even just a glass of water. This also helps with socializing since we interact with different faces every day.

Image result for molyvos streets

Unfortunately, even the best places have their faults. We don't have many but there are three that annoy me, as a teen, and it's frustrating. These cons only appear in the winter when so I always try to keep my head up high and think of summer and the pros I mention as a form of reassurance.

Con No1

lack of facilities 

Even if you live in a beautiful peaceful village with many advantages, its being small affects you in multiple ways. Having a lack of things to do is my main issue as a teen. We don't have a specific space for us to hang out, there are only about 3 cafes open and most of them are filled with elders.  We are limited to extra activities.

Pro No2

Nature is one of the best things about living here. Especially now, with the weather clearing and warming up, nature is thriving and it's taking us under its wing. Walking, running or riding your bike while looking around and blossoming flowers, the silent winds coming through the branches and leaves of trees, the sound of bells on little sheep and lambs jumping around in green fields. Nothing but tranquility and serenity. Your mind is put at ease whilst looking and the orange sun setting in the horizon, painting peaceful pastel colors in the sky. 

Con No2

School issues.
Another disadvantage that comes to mind is problems we face with school the lack of facilities, money and funding. As I have mentioned in a previous blog, we have a bad school system with limited support network and living in a village doesn't make teachers want to come here. Check it out here. We also don't get to go on many school trips out of the island unless it is with a program or you're in a specific grade. 

Pro No3

I believe that Greece is one of the most known countries for its good weather. In the summer we have hot days, great for sunbathing and in the nights a cool breeze to cool you down. Im not saying we don't have bad weather but now the sun has come up and we are feeling much happier and energized.

Con No3

Winter is difficult for those who want to go out. Also living in a touristy area in the summer, we like seeing people around, so its tough now since hardly any people go out. It's like living in a ghost town in which you're totally alone in the streets and are bored of the same old faces. Constantly feeling as though you are being judged even if you do go out. 

Pro No4

Having all of the above, I think its easy for someone to live a long and happy life. People here breathe clean air and take long walks as your surroundings impel you to. In the summer, swimming and sitting outside while eating the fresh fruit of the season. Food is best here since its all fresh and restaurants and supermarkets provide you only with fresh food of the season. Another great advantage is the exercise you can get. With the good weather, you feel compelled to go for a walk and in the summer, swimming exercises the whole body.

 Image result for greek food

 So even though we have a few disadvantages, the advantages of living in a place like this  definantly outweigh them and its what I love most about living here. I have to say that I can't wait to leave my little village and explore the world but it is one of the best places to raise children and spend your childhood and its a part of me.

and who can forget the best food on earth?:D

thank you,
Tina xx

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