My First Post

A little bit about me


So, as i mentioned in my "about me" tab, i live in a small Greek village on an island. When i say island maybe the first thing that pops into your mind is a small deserted island like the ones in the middle of the ocean, like in "Cast away" or something like that. I assure you that i do not live on a deserted island or eat only coconuts or sleep in a tree house. I live on the third largest island of Greece and live a "normal" life and enjoy the delicacies of Greek cuisine. I will dedicate another blog to show you all the wonderful and delicious Greek food!I also live in a proper house situated very near the villages square which we call "agora". Living here, provides you with an unforgettable childhood and memories that not many kids nowadays can say they possess. My mother is British, born in Belgium, and my dad is Greek. They met here when my mum was working as a rep and my dad was a local Greek boy who's eyes lit up when he met my mum, "the blond English girl with the tourists", i have heard from different stories they tell me.

 My earlier life

I was born in the capital of the island but shortly after moved away to the UK  just after my younger brother was born , and we lived there for about 3 years .I spent my most crucial years i suppose there, ages 4-7. Throughout my staying there i managed to make 3 unforgettable friends who i still keep in touch with constantly via social media.
Moving was very difficult for me as i had grown up used to the British habits and lifestyle, which included going to school until 3,30pm with minimal homework and extra activities such as dance. When i arrived here, firstly i didn't even know Greek! But luckily for me ☺i had one whole summer ahead of me to do private Greek lessons everyday and thankfully managed to pick it up in those 2,5 months.
Apart though, from having to learn the language i had a whole summer in which i could go swimming everyday in the crystal clear waters, stay out late, and again, enjoy the delish Greek food which never lets me down:)

The purpose of our moving

 The reason we moved was because my father was having financial difficulties in the UK so during one of his visits here he found a cafe that was open for sale in the centre of the square and decided to get it. So since then, they have been managers at this cafe/snack bar. Both of my parents work there but its only  busy in the summer period as we live on a touristy island that only has many tourists in the summer because of its hot weather.

Starting school in my new life

When it was time for school to start though i was shook by what was waiting for me..
I was going into the 2nd grade as the system is different in Greece. The first day of school, my mum dropped me off and i hung around with a girl that my grandma, or as i call her "yiayia", told me to. But apart from her i didn't have any proper friends apart from three siblings who i knew since forever and hung out with, but the girls weren't in my year. There was only one building in the school and was large and white with turquoise windows and there were 6 classrooms, one for each year. There were only about 80 kids in the whole of the school and my class contained about 17 of them. Now, i was used to around 50 kids in my year and even more in the entire school so my first question was "wheres the rest of the school?".
 After about a week of clam and subtle learning we were starting to get assigned home work. In the UK its only after 2nd or 3rd grade that go get h/w but here it gushes out like a waterfall. I guess its because we have lessons from 8.15 am till 12.25pm so the work we don't do at school we finish at home. I'm talking about  pages upon pages of h/w and we were still in 2nd grade. That's a few things about my start to my new life here.

Fast forward 10 years

I have now got some really great friends, some who aren't from my village but i still try to hang out with them as much as i can. Making friends here was difficult. At first i had a lot of ups and downs but all of that made me the person i am today... 
I have a hobby which i adore and that's Taekwondo, a Korean martial art, and i also really enjoy working out. I plan to write about all of that in upcoming blogs.

Thank you

I appreciate you reading this blog and hope its interesting. This is my first blog and want to improve so if you have any suggestions on what you would like me to write about in the future or things i can do to improve this blog please let me know at my instagram  


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