What makes christmas special

Image result for christmasWhy Christmas is my favourite time of the year.

Christmas is in just less than two weeks! I thought I would write about something festive since I'm getting into the Christmas mood and let you know about what I love about Christmas. 

The atmosphere around us: 

I believe that in most places, the atmosphere around us changes when its Christmas time. People are decorating, playing festive tunes and getting ready for the holidays. In most places there is a more relaxed vibe. I understand that many people aren't festive but even they sense the spirit around them expanding and getting more festive.

Family time during the holidays:

Family time around the holidays flourishes. Its a time for getting together and enjoying one another's company even if we all start getting on each others nerves... Most people go and visit their families if they live away or others come to them. We spend Christmas day together and the day usually consists of many board games and playing with things we may have received as presents, laughing relaxing and appreciating one another.

Its a time for giving and forgiving:

Image result for christmasThis is a very underrated thing that most people dodge. I want to believe that Christmas time is a time in which we appreciate the things we have and are given. We see that so commonly occur in movies adverts and songs since we should be thankful for the things we have and let it be a lesson to us that we shall not take things for granted. We give and we receive. I personally adore the look on peoples faces when i give them a present and it gives me a lovely feeling as well. We must also not forget to forgive one another. We should all forgive more often as it makes us better people and takes a load off of our chests. Forgiving does not make us weak it makes us strong and good people. Christmas should not be the only time of the year though that we do these things, it should be a stepping stone making it easier to do it more often.

 Decorations and Festivities:

Having a British mum also is great when it come to decorating the house. I adore the cosy feel and scented candles flooding the house with a warm "Christmas " scent. The Christmas tree is another amazing thing that brings me joy. I actually wish we were to have the tree up all year round. We also add different other decorations like tinsel and holly on furniture. I cant really explain the feeling but it the same one that comes back every year and makes me feel energised and jolly. In our Village and others around the area we also have a Christmas bazaar which is organised by locals and stalls selling scrumptious desserts and games are set up for people to go and spend their afternoon. My class had a stall in which we sold hand made cupcakes that we made.

Desserts and food:

Who cant resist the smell of mince pies and cookies baking in the oven and warm comfort food on those cold days before Christmas? In Greece we have Kourampiedes and Melomakarona, two desserts like cookies one with icing sugar galore and the others drizzled in honey. Both rich in calories but we can make an exception. Or on Christmas day, lunch, which has everything one desires followed by Christmas pudding. But once more we must take a minute to appreciate these things and think of all the people in the world who don't have the advantages that you do,take a second to be grateful and thankful of this day.

 Songs and movies:

Can a Christmas go by without having a home alone marathon or spending an evening in to watch love actually or the hundreds of quality Christmas movies we love? Or listening to Miriah Careys "all i want for Christmas" and oh so many more glorious songs...

 Have a laugh, send some love and enjoy your Christmas, Think about others and believe in happiness.

Tina x

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