Believing in Yourself, Believing in Others

"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."- Christian D. Larson

Why do we believe in things? Why do we believe in people? What makes something powerful enough for us to believe in it.
So im not going to approach this subject religiously, moreover im going to write about some of the reasons we have the need to believe in something/someone.

As humans, we have always, since as far back in time as we can prove, found things to believe in. This leads to the conclusion that belief is a natural human need.
We believe in something in hopes of understanding the world and the unknown by having faith in something that could explain it all.
We don't always need to explain things by believing in something. Many times our need to just feel comforted results in us believing in someone who can provide comfort and help in times of desperation. We can believe in a friend or family member who gives us hope and reassurance.
Believing is healthy. Faith is something that we all need to have.

Most of all though believing in ourselves is the most powerful thing I can think of. When we believe in ourselves and our powers, we understand our strengths and what we are capable of. when we believe in ourselves we can reach our goals and we can also give someone else something to believe in. I have already used "Believe" in this post many times but it is so important. Unfortunately, I have to admit that in my opinion self-belief is something difficult to obtain. This is why we first have to realize how strong belief and faith are so that we can attach it to ourselves and create a link between us and those two things.

Christmas time is considered a time for miracles and magic. Through movies, books, songs we all pick up on the magical feeling that Christmas gives us. Even Father Christmas/ Santa/ Saint Nicholas is a form that as children we believe in strongly. In his stereotypical form, a large old man in red clothes that bring you presents if you have been good, we believe in him as a Christmas ambassador and I think that it is important to give children hope that he exists.
It's debatable if we should or should not believe in "father Christmas"... I think it is important that we focus on the morals hidden in Christmas time, such as sharing, appreciating and giving to those in need selflessly. This way by believing in these kinds of morals we become better people and become an example for others to follow.

Getting back to my point, as we believe in Santa we believe in other faces as well. We need to believe in others as it reassures us that we are not alone. Believing doesn't have to always be in a religious way as we can believe in people such as family or other faces as long as they give us hope. At the end of the day that is the strongest thing people can have, hope. Hope is what gives us power and directs us, enlightens us and guides us in life. Without believing in something we can not pull through all the difficulties that come our way.

Belief is magic, its power that comes within us and is a part of all of us.
So this Christmas, have faith and believe in yourself as in others for at the end of the day we are our own light, we have power in our hands and we choose where we direct it at.
Tina xx

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all xx

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