Untangling yourself from tiring routines

Getting back on track...

Hello everybody and welcome back to my blog!

I'm sorry for being inactive this past month and I regret not finding the time to come up with something new to write about but I have been rather busy with school work and have been in a difficult situation with finding the "will-power" to be productive. Unfortunately, I have found myself living in a vigorous routine that has stressed me out and exhausted me.
Even so, this has acted as a good subject to talk about as we all find ourselves in similar situations from time to time. I always try to be the best version of myself so I can influence others to lead a positive lifestyle but I also get lost in this whole whirlwind and here I am trying to "untangle" myself...

What's the problem?
So, let's talk about getting out of this boring and vicious cycle.
First of all, there are many reasons why and how we can get caught up in this kind of situation. Its winter time and especially in my area winter acts as a limiting factor and the weather isn't always good so we all prefer to just stay home rather than go out. Now, even staying at home can turn into something productive as long as we think of creative things to do. I admit that I sometimes choose instead of reading a book or making something, to just binge watch some episodes of Game of Thrones or watch a bit of YouTube. That's not so bad but as long as we don't get too caught up in that and we remember to go out and get fresh air at least once a week. Also, school is another factor that puts us into a programme, this works both positively and negatively at the same time. On the one hand, when we have a programme we can plan our accordingly but on the other, programmes can get tiring, thus the subject of today's blog.

Sometimes I find myself, and I know that others relate, getting into a routine and after being indoors for too long not being able to get out of that routine... I am in that kind of point at the moment so I cannot describe my thrill of finally sitting down and writing a blog.
Even so, we are the only ones, as I have mentioned before, that can fix this situation and escape from this issue and spice up life a bit.

Ways we can escape from these kinds of routines:
Remember what it feels like going out with friends or for a walk or a coffee or simply anything that pleases you. Use that as a starting point and then find it in yourself to just go out. 
Think ahead and plan your week/ day giving you some time to relax and do something new.
Think of how you will feel after you do something different, how much more energized you feel and prpoductive.

Three simple steps. But it's not easy, just finding that will power to get up is a whole other story.
Its so important to spend time with loved ones and just doing what you love even if it's for a little bit. Remember to take care of yourself, go out, read a book, listen to music, cook, hug a dog... whatever gives you joy.

At the end of the day, as students, we have many responsibilities and its hard to find spare time and spending it in the most productive way possible. It is so important to not get lost though and remember what really matters at the end of the day and that's your well being.

Thank you for spending the time to read my blog and I hope that it provided you with some insight and maybe helpful advice.

Constantina xx

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