5 Ways to Organise your Time

Hi everyone and welcome back to the blog.

One thing I love about blogging is that most of my blogs are written based on my life and life lessons I learn. If I am in some kind of dilemma or have been through something or even if somebody just gives me some advice I find useful i "study" upon it and then write about it with my own personal tips in hopes of helping someone out of a similar situation.

It's taken me a while to write though. and since my last blog was so successful I felt a bit worried about what could top the last on. After some thought and time though I have finally come around to blogging again. Plus I have been asked on several times about when im going to post again.
Im just going to give you a small intro about what has been playing on my mind for so long. In Greece, your final year of school is basically preparation for your final exams. because the education system is terrible, students like myself, are made to take private lessons in our chosen lessons in order to get the curriculum finished until October-November this same year. This means a lot of presure and studying almost all throughout the summer.

For about 3 weeks or so I have found myself stressing out (as usual) over all of this school work. (2-3 hours a day plus the lessons). The reason being that I have to juggle, work, homework, lessons, spending time with friends, that have come all this way to see me, and finding a bit of personal time as well...
but enough about me, you've understood the reason why im stressed as all of these things are connected.
To be honest I still haven't organized my time as well as I should but I have found a way of keeping things in order.

  1. Program. So, I have always been good at organizing time and having a good program. But when its summer, things get a little out of control as unexpected events appear. one minute you at home watching Netflix and the next your hiking up a mountain with a group of friends so go and picnic. But it's so important to have a schedule of the day and know what you have to get done.
  2. Prioritize. This is hard but its a must of we're talking about homework or work. I think that you should get those things done first and then you can be carefree at the end of the day to do what you WANT to do. In prioritizing its easy to forget, personally, I prefer to put the things I like least at the top of the list to get them done and finished with. Save the best for last ;)
  3. Remind yourself constantly. Keeping focused is so important because, like me, you can easily forget your priorities and then be back to phase one and stressed out. So just keep remembering about your priorities and at the same time how relaxed you'll feel when you get your "chores" done  
  4. Don't say MUST. Saying you MUST get something done or you HAVE to do something will only make you despise of it more. say phrases like "should" or " it would be good if" and you won't get so stressed out when you think of doing it.
  5. Put yourself first. Personal well being is a MUST though... if you aren't well enough to do something then it will just lead to you not being able to do everything else you had planned on doing. 

So these are 5 little tips that I have learned for personal experience and other people who have advised me on this matter as it has been worrying me for quite a while now. So this all being said, I hope I can help you or anybody reading this blog out, that's in a similar situation to myself. 
oh and always look on the bright side of life.
Thanks for reading 
Tina xx

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