loving your body

Let’s talk about body love and how everyone should feel comfortable in their own skin.

I have never been a slim girl; I was chubby as a little girl and plump throughout primary school. I never suffered from bullying and body shamers but I would be subject to “smart remarks” about my body, like my legs or the fact that I had larger breasts that the other girls in primary(yes, kids do tease you about that when you’re 10). I stood strong and ignored those comments.

 Last year I decided to go to a dietitian. I lost a total of 7kg and was beyond proud of myself. My body type is never being to be slim or thin, instead I bare more weight around my hips and thighs.

Everyone has their own body type and isn’t able to change it no matter how many kg they lose or gain. This is diversity. This is beauty. How would the world look if everyone was the same standard size, colour, shape and structure? It would be dull, wouldn’t it?

The reason I’m writing about this is because recently a guy sitting behind me in class made fun of me when I had to move the desk in order to get to the white board and said ironically “oh she can’t fit can she?” smirking. I really don’t think that he meant it intentionally to hurt my feelings but he went over the line this time. 

Anyway, after that I felt awful... he shattered any pride I had about myself at this time, as I’m undergoing another weight loss program and have already lost 2 kg and am beyond happy that I already have. I just felt weak and just really horrible. I have to admit I broke down later, but I also have some amazing friends who give the best hugs. I didn’t need any awareness I just needed that hug tbh.
All of this got me thinking, why do we let people tear us down like this? Why do we let their opinion get in the way of our own? WE have to stand strong and we know for ourselves what we like about ourselves and what makes us special and we have to take advantage of that and flaunt it ;)

Loving our body isn’t about fitting in our dream bod or an “insta-worthy” body. (Just the fact that most girls what to be like a model in our society today is what’s tearing it down). Loving our body is about feeling good about ourselves in the form we are in. Personally I felt good with myself after I lost the weight but that was just because I legitimately had more energy and knew how to eat healthy, rather than the fact that my waist slimed down a bit. If you're happy, and no woman should EVER judge another for wanting to change her body shape, or for not wanting to. If you're happy and contended and satisfied and heathly then by all means stay as you are.

Its about YOU

It’s about the determination. YOU are beautiful. I’m sure that not the first time you heard that, but it’s so important. As long as you are you and not forcing yourself to change into something else, something you don’t love. It’s probably the best life lesson you can learn, to love yourself before loving someone else because if you love yourself the possibilities are endless.

Don’t let anyone tell you aren’t enough or “lose a little weight” or “put on a bit of weight” Be You and Only You, and forget about anyone who says your fat or skinny or unworthy. Focus on what you can do for yourself and that way you cannot give anyone the right to degrade you. Live for you.

This is not the first time you’re hearing these words but take a minute to think about what they mean to you and the time you felt unworthy. I’m going to take my own advice and I’m going to go to bed knowing that I am me and that there is nothing anyone can say to change what I know about myself and I know that I have fought to get to where I am.

Thank you, Tina x

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