Everyone Has Rights

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Things that bother me about our society...

Concerning Women’s Rights and equality.

“Ugh, Do we need to talk about this again??”
-Yes, we do.. until there is balance, and that day will come soon

This matter is something that has been concerning me for a while now. I have always been an advocate of women’s rights and equality but after seeing Oprah’s phenomenal speech, I felt empowered to write a blog about this matter and share my opinions with you.

Women have always been treated improperly since as long as I can recall. From the beginning of history until this very day, women have been set aside and viewed as an object. As a girl/ woman-in-progress, It bothers me and as much as I look into it the more I uncover and remain distressed.

When we were young we saw our brothers climbing trees and our parents looking up to them and smiling, when we decided to climb that tree we were told not to because we were going to get hurt or that we should go inside and play with our barbies (a plastic doll with a slim body, long blond hair and makeup). In all our fairy tales we were told about, there was a princess, and a prince who saved her or something like that.

Globally, more than 65 million girls don't have an education. Out of the 123 million young people between the ages of 15 and 24 who can't read nor write, 61 percent of them are women, Yes these are just facts but I'm sure everyone has heard of the monstrosities that girls who actually go to school in countries like Africa have to endure. This is why countries like those cannot cant advance. If they did they would have higher incomes, delayed marriages and fewer children, healthier families and less poverty.

Since 1400, a woman's destiny was to get married at an early age, provide her husband with the money from her dowry, have children, look after the children husband and family, cook, clean, and then her life was over.  How many women have you heard of from those centuries who weren't Queens or Princesses? Not many... A woman is not destined to clean and cook etc for her whole life, nor is she obliged to be married if she does not wish to. We are just like everyone else but so unique at the same time. We don't make those rules but somehow they define us and they define our opportunities and our chances.

Women rise up. You can see it all over the WORLD today! #bravebodylove .  @Regrann from @refinery29 -  We march with women past present and future. We march for a vote and a voice. We march because we dont just talk about rights we take them. We march because we can do it! To close the gap. For the soul of our nation. To own our bodies. We march to right the wrong. We march because were bossy bitches. Because man if you feel like a woman you are one. Because we mean business. We march for eq...I cant understand why men have had such an intrusive character upon us and managed to gobble up all our rights leaving us with none.
Now, in our day's, women have been able to demolish most of those stereotypes as mentioned above and have peaked as well as gain a very powerful voice. We have women Presidents and Leaders, Doctors, Lawyers, Scientists, Managers, CEO's, Fashion designers, Astronauts, Singers, Actresses, Writers and so many more things. Phenomenal Women have paved the way for Civil rights, Anti- Racism, gender equality, Peace... etc.

I can't stand to hear about any more stories in which women and girls all over the world are beaten, raped and hurt on a daily basis. It is inhumane.
Quite a few people have paved the way for justice but sadly we still have a long way to go.

How much worse can women who are the only humans on earth who can give birth and carry life, be treated? I believe that the world can be such a beautiful place if we just allowed people to have the same rights as everyone else. It's definitely not that simple but its a step towards peace. I agree that the world is made up of good and bad people, as in every country. I am not shaming men in any way and it not my intention to, but it's not very common to hear about a woman doing harm to another woman in that way...

Every human being is a human being, we are all connected and we might look different but deep down we are all the same. It's not just about gender equality, it's about everything it's connected to (education, rights, respect e.t.c). Immigration, war, conflicts, and everything that threatens us come down to this one thing, that we are all humans. We live on a small planet and are the only super intelligent beings on it and we can't even get along. We might be different, different colored, different shaped, size, mindset, point of view but we are all linked together. It might seem like hullabaloo but all in all, it's true and we cant say otherwise.

Joelle Charming :: "Women's Rights are Human Rights" Image for International Women's Day
So, in general, I just wanted to talk about this matter. There are so many other things to say about it but its a start. I'm not going to tell you to go and become a feminist, but I just wanted to stress the matter that is evolving and has been there for as long as I can think of and just prove that we all deserve equality, respect, love, happiness, education, freedom and anything we desire that does not harm anyone.
And to all of you, younger girls out there who have been told to not do/to do something because you are a girl ask why and only if the answer is legitimate should you accept it. If we still raise our children with stereotypical thoughts what hope do we have?

“For too long women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of those men,” “But their time is up… Their time is up.”“And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men are fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say ‘me too’ again,”
Oprah Winfrey

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