Iceland: My favorite trip so far...

It has just been a year since I visited Iceland with an Erasmus exchange programme with school. Thankfully we were only 2 kids and 2 teachers from my school so it was rather relaxing.
It was one of the most amazing trips I ever went on and would definitely like to visit again.

I was only there for 5 days but I managed to see some of the most fascinating places in the country.
Since it was part of a programme we had to go to the hosting school and carry out some work based on the projects subject. I was staying with a lovely family and my schoolmate.This saved us a lot of money but was a great way of getting to know the locals and understand Iceland's culture even better. They hosted us for the entire trip and were very warming and friendly. I have to say that Icelanders are some of the most friendly and hospitable people ive met.
The night we arrived we were so lucky because we saw the northern lights shimmering across the night sky. A green strip of mist that lasted for about 2 minutes and disappeared.
The school was incredible. Since I was so used to my school which didn't have many facilities and is only 1 building, I was left shook when I went and saw a huge 3-floor school with a proper cafeteria, huge library, kitchen, hair salon, fashion design class and so many more classrooms.They were even building a house from scratch that they would sell.

So after spending some time at the school, we went on a hike on the mountain of Reykadalur
close to a town named Hveragerdi. I have to say that that was the first proper look of Iceland I got. It was a 5km walk up to some geothermal waters that we would bathe in. It was as though I was in an episode of GOT and the whole feel was very mystical and like nothing I had ever seen before. Unfortunately for me though, as always I, the clumsiest person ever, fell into a deep mud hole that started to pull me deeper and deeper in. My teacher started laughing at me because it was something only I would manage to do and completely embarrass myself. Thankfully some really friendly girls took me to their house, gave me some clean clothes and drove me back to the rest of the group.

We BBQed that afternoon in a nearby forest and somebody brought some whale meat for us to try, as some Icelanders eat whale and shark, but I couldn't.

On the next day of my trip, the school had organized whole day trip filled with stops at some of the most known spots in Iceland.
First stop was Thingvellir, the famous Rift between Europe and America and the first parliament that was established in 930. It was a misty morning but walking down the path to bestow a stunning view of the rift valley felt surreal and mythical.

Next, we went to the well-known Geysir aerial. Tbh, I hadn't any idea what was going on or where I was going so when we arrived and I saw these crater-like holes in the ground followed by a spectacular water eruption I was profoundly amazed. This was a huge tourist spot so there were many people surrounding them. Nevertheless, I managed to take some videos and pictures whilst getting soaked in water.
We also went to the most beautiful and extraordinary waterfall I had ever seen " Gullfoss", took loads of pictures and just sat admiring the sight I couldn't get enough of.
After that, we got back on our bus and drove to Skalholt and its cathedral which was also very impressive and the view of the valleys made you feel like you were floating across a never-ending valley.
That day was more than overwhelming, and seeing all of those things at once was such a privilege.

On the following day, we stayed at the school and had a workshop as we were there for a project so we had to get some work done. Afterward, we were spoken to by two ladies who work with refugees in Iceland and told us about their work.
When we finished our work at the school we went to Reykjavik!(Iceland's capital)
I have to say that Iceland has a character and architecture of its own that is very recognizable if you have been before. Reykjavik was a quiet city, even though it is the capital, but very peaceful. Its next to a river and has colorful buildings anywhere you go.

Our first stop was at the "Harpa" an exquisite concert hall that was designed in such a way that it resembled a beehive but was inspired by the basalt landscape of Iceland.

We took a walk through the city and stopped at the Hallgrimskirkja, a breathtaking cathedral that has a very tall tower.

Οn the last day, we were there, we took another road trip. We went to Selijalandsfoss a very well known waterfall, even Justin Beiber decided to film his music video there. You could even go behind the waterfall, getting soaked once more but its so worth it. Simply breathtaking.

Image result for seljalandsfoss                                                                   
 Followed by a trip to Reynisfjara a black sand beach with a very dangerous tide.
And another insanely beautiful waterfall Skogafoss.

I learned a lot of things from this trip. Most importantly was that I learned that there is so much more I have to discover in the world and it made me so eager to go on more trips. Another thing that made the trip so much better was good company. I met so many beautiful people from many countries that I still keep in touch with and that's thanks to the Erasmus program and my teachers who chose me to go on this trip and also the people who organized the whole trip.
Iceland was an incredibly magical place that I would definitely visit again and you should too. I definitely recommend all these places to anyone who goes. Just rent a car and leave the rest up to the country itself. Even though it is an expensive country, there are so many extraordinary things to see and everyone has to go at least once in their lifetime

Thank you for reading my blog,
Tina x

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