Taking up blogging...

I am sat in Kantina and my dad is cleaning the street with a power hose, my grandma is sitting with her friend and they are talking about how they cant play cards this week because of it being Easter, few foreign people are at the next door cafe having their 4th beer and I am sat with my laptop feeling the warm summer sun on the back of my neck and a cup of tea watching the world go by. 

Why? you may ask am I saying this, well from the title of this blog, this all brings me back to my first post and I am going to be talking about why I started writing this blog and what's to come.

*update* my dad's friend has stopped outside and now my dad is jet washing his car...

okay, so let's start from the start. I had never had a vision of writing a blog, nor was it ever my goal. Since last year I have finished English lessons which took up 6-8 hours of my week, computers which took 2, Greek dance class and found myself with a lot of free time.
 It was the start of the school year and we had recently had an Erasmus group visit the island and they were all taking photos and videos of the place and said that they would make a documentary. All of those things for my island. I was inspired.

I also have to mention I have a very strong opinion and care about a lot of things so writing a blog allowed me to express my thoughts and feelings on matters. What is more, I had been on some very interesting trips and wanted to share my adventures and impressions of these places.

 *update* Kantina's ice creams just arrived! summer at laaaast. and thank god my dad stopped with the jet hose. 

I adore writing and I used to write little stories and make up characters. So having the free time and spare thoughts that couldn't be expressed all lead me to take up blogging. Unfortunately, I had no idea where to begin at. I sent messages to bloggers I knew and they told me I should first find a platform etc. Since it was only going to be a hobby and nothing serious I didn't want to spend any money on making it. It took me about a week to fully get the grips of it and start writing. 

Most of all though I write because it just relaxes me and I love getting feedback on things I write. But the best feeling is when people say that what I write is good and it inspires them. After all, I write to make others happy and inspired alongside making myself happy, liberating me from other concerns. 

I also take advantage of the place I live and try to emphasize its beauty due to its previous false bad publicity. The lifestyle, the tranquility, and calmness. The sunsets, the food, and the beach but also the people and what a teenager can do in a village are just a few things that inspire me to write. There are so much more than I can write about my village, all to come soon...
me thinking of the great things to come XD

*update* the local priest has come to have coffee with my grandma and her friend, they are chatting about this evenings ceremony. 

If you have spare time and like to write, take up a blog and write about whatever you want. whatever makes you happy and if you can make others happy too, then that's great. My blog hasn't a specific theme like it isn't exactly a travel blog or lifestyle or fashion blog but more of a personal blog and I write about things that concern me and I think are interesting for viewers. 

If you scroll up and all the updates you'll see why I want to share this adorable lifestyle since you never know whats around the corner. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this and all my other blog posts and the support. I will continue to write and I hope you will continue to follow xx
 Tina x

tonight's sunset 

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