Advise needed, dilemmas dilemmas...

hello everyone, I'm sorry I have been absent for so long but I have just been busy with exams. THANKFULLY THEY ARE OVER AND I CAN NOW ENJOY THE SUMMER VACAY!!
Even though exams are over, I am still left with one difficult decision... what subject direction should I choose??

⟹For those of you who don't know what this means: In Greece when you are going into the 2nd year of high school you have to choose a direction. There are 2 directions in 2nd grade, theoretics, and scientific studies. So basically you have extra lessons depending on your direction in order for you to learn more and improve. So the extra lessons in the theoretics direction are in Ancient Greek and you focus more on theoretical lessons, whereas in the other direction you do more Math, physics and chemistry kind of lessons. Then in 3rd grade, the scientific gets divided into Economics and pure scientifics. These subjects will help you get into a university of your choice based on eams and grades.

So my dilemma is choosing between the two for the time being. On one hand I love theoretical studies as I love writing and using my imagination but on the other hand, you cant get a vast choice of jobs from that direction other than law and education and a few others. so yeah...

I don't know what I want to do as a future job but I know I want something to do with communication and speaking/ interacting with others but I have large aspirations which might get the better of me one day but until then I have to focus on this... I have one summer to figure it out.

This all brings me to the conclusion that we are made to decide about a thing that will affect our lives and have to think responsibly... its hard and we are still young and stupid so this is why I need some help.
'Oποιος μπορεί να με συμβουλεύσει για το τί πρέπει να σκεφτώ πριν αποφασίσω για κατι σημαντικό οπως αυτό παρακαλώ ας μου στείλει μήνυμα.

thank you for reading xx
always appreciated ♡

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