Focusing On Our Wellness

Ive been meaning to write this post for a while now.
This school year so far has been demanding. And I know that it's only going to get more demanding in the near future. Every one of us is going to go through a period or two of despair but there is only one thing that we should keep in mind.

Wellness in mind and body.

For about a full month now I have found myself spending every afternoon locked away in my room studying. These last years I have in high school are the most crucial when it comes to deciding what I want to do in the future. Its stressful enough having the burden of choosing a path and even more stressful having a ton of homework to come back to after a day at school. 

So, getting back to my point... I am finding myself in a difficult situation and am noticing that I am not taking care of my self as much as I should. Going to school, coming back and reading until nightfall and then being too tired to move my arse I just choose to stay home and sleep and its the same circle again the next day. I was thinking and I knew what I was missing that is so important in our lives: clean oxygen, fresh air, a clear mind.

There is no point studying yourself to death when its just a stepping stone to a bright future, there is more to life, but we have to make sacrifices if we want to succeed. Yes its strenuous but at the end of the day, we have to focus on our wellbeing. If we are not well then how can we reciprocate?

As you are outside, it doesn't have to be for long as long as its once or twice a week, take that time to clear your head. Take your mind off of your duties and focus on the moment. Meditate for a bit and just be grateful for what you have and think positively.
 You can do it. All it takes is the first step and then you're off. Its the same with everything in life.
 I've understood that there is no point in stressing and getting anxious about things as its only going to upset you and will not benefit anything.

So most people live in cities or places they can't go out and take a walk. In these cases, all you have to do is something productive. Think, read, write, dance... close your phone or play some music and just sit there thinking about things that will relax you and focus on yourself and most of all be happy with the way you are and accept yourself. 
I know this might be sounding a bit daydreamy and in the air but trust me, when you are in a discouraging position, stop whats overwhelming you, for a little bit, and focus on yourself. You will benefit from this.

As for our bodies
It is important we look after ourselves in this domain as our minds. Our body is our temple and we are the only ones responsible for what we eat and how we maintain it. I am fortunate as I have accepted it for what it is and I know that I am proud of myself for that just as long as I am healthy.
Just as a little guide as I follow these things myself: you could try and exchange a biscuit with your afternoon coffee for a mandarin or even a cracker with a bit of marmalade. Start with little things and I know it may be difficult at first but focus on how you will feel after you have eaten the mandarin or cracker vs the biscuit. Step by step you will start feeling fresher and healthier. You don't have to cut out your favorite snacks but just take them with measure ;)

Love yourself, love your mind, love your body, believe in yourself and protect them by taking care of them even when you believe there is no time. there is always time if we manage it correctly.
Don't discourage yourself from doing these things just by labeling yourself unproductive, as I have made quite clear, you can do anything if you believe in yourself. <3
Tina xx

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