The Neglected Morals Of History

Why is it important for us young adults to know our history?

In primary school, we learn about historical events like they are a story.
In middle school, we learn about the same events more detailed.
In high school, we are reminded again of these events in our lessons in depth but still, lots of us don't know the difference between our two biggest national celebrations (that of the 28/10 and 25/03)

Why does this occur and why are we so indifferent to the idea of remembering our history and feeling proud to understand it? I have to believe that even with us students being at fault, the way we learn our history, in our lessons and from other means, is the reason why we don't understand the magnitude of some events that shaped our world and county as we know it.
By that, I mean the fact that we are taught dates and names instead of digging deeper into why these events happened and the morals behind them. This way we can relate to our history and feel connected to it and not consider it just a boring lesson that requires a lot of studying.

As an example, may I introduce the (greek) national anniversary of today the 17th of November.
On this day, the Greeks celebrate the resistance of students and citizens of the Polytechnic University of Athens against the dictatorship of G. Papadopoulos. ( for extra info click here )
Yet, today at school, on a day meant to enlighten students and prove that we should stand up for our rights, we were shown two documentaries about it and that was it. I speak on behalf of my class since im not aware of the activities of other classes. It upset me to see the indifference upon this matter mostly from students even though it's not unknown that we as teenagers tend to show a slight careless attitude towards quite a few things including school. #sorrynotsorry.
Im not saying that we don't celebrate it in a proper way but I have to admit that we aren't taught the meanings and that results in many students not showing the respect we should.

Even so, I believe it is our duty to know and treat history with respect. Especially coming from a country with such a rich and fascinating history we owe it to ourselves and to our county to acknowledge it.

" History repeats itself."

This blog was definitely not written aimed at teachers, who most do an amazing job but mostly towards the education system.

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